$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 queryString, com. kelvinluck. flickr. ResultsSet
 realname, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 relatedTags, com. kelvinluck. flickr.Tag
 remove, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photoset
 removeFavorite, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 removeGroup, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 ResultSet, com. kelvinluck. flickr. ResultsSet
 resultsPerPage, com. kelvinluck. flickr. ResultsSet
 rotation, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 secret, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 secsToDate, com. kelvinluck. util. DateFormat
 server, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 setContextGroupPool, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 setContextPhotoset, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 setSuppressOutput, com. kelvinluck. flickr. FlickrResponseListener
 setTags, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 smallUrl, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 SOSLogPublisher, com. kelvinluck. util. SOSLogPublisher
 source, com. kelvinluck. flickr. PhotoSize
 STATUS_BUSY, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 STATUS_ERROR_CONNECTING, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 STATUS_INVALID_API_KEY, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 STATUS_INVALID_XML, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 STATUS_OK, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 STATUS_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 supressOutput, com. kelvinluck. flickr. FlickrResponseListener
 tag, com. kelvinluck. flickr. ExifData
 Tag, com. kelvinluck. flickr.Tag
 tagsGetListPhoto, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 tagsGetListUser, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 tagsGetListUserPopular, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 tagsGetRelated, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 tagspace, com. kelvinluck. flickr. ExifData
 tagspaceid, com. kelvinluck. flickr. ExifData
 testEcho, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 testLogin, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 text, com. kelvinluck. flickr.Note
 thumbnailUrl, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 total, com. kelvinluck. flickr. ResultsSet
 username, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 value, com. kelvinluck. flickr.Tag
 WARN, com. kelvinluck. util. LogWrapper
 x, com. kelvinluck. flickr.Note
 y, com. kelvinluck. flickr.Note
var queryString: String
The querystring which created this search...
public var raw: String
public var raw: String
The raw text of this tag
public var realname: String
This person’s real name.
public var relatedTags: Object
An object containing a list of tags that are related to this one, based on clustered usage analysis.
static function remove(photoset: Photoset):Void
function removeFavorite(photo: Photo):Void
Removes a favourite Photo from this user.
function removeGroup(group: Group)
Removes a given Group from this Photos _groups Array.
function removePhoto(photo: Photo)
Removes a Photo from this Groups _pool.
function removePhoto(photo: Photo)
function removePhotoset(photoset: Photoset):Void
Removes this Photoset into this Person’s _photosets Array
function removePhotoset(photoset: Photoset)
Removes a given Photoset from this Photos _photosets Array.
function ResultSet()
var resultsPerPage: Number
The number of results per page
public var rotation: Number
public var secret: String
This photo’s secret.
public static function secsToDate(secs):Date
Static function which converts a number of seconds into a Date object.
public var server: Number
This photo’s server.
function setContextGroupPool(groupId: String,
previousPhoto: Photo,
nextPhoto: Photo)
Adds information about this Photos context in a given Group
function setContextPhotoset(photosetId: Number,
previousPhoto: Photo,
nextPhoto: Photo)
Adds information about this Photos context in a given Photoset
function setSuppressOutput(supressOutput: Boolean):Void
Use if you don’t want this instance to log it’s messages.
function setTags(tags: String,
author: Person)
Set’s this Photo’s _tags...
public function set smallUrl(smallUrl: String)
The URL for the small sized image (240px on longest side)
function SOSLogPublisher(appName: String,
sosServer: String,
sosPort: Number,
maxDepth: Number)
Creates a SOSLogPublisher instance.
public var source: String
This photo size’s source.
public static var STATUS_BUSY: Number
The API is already waiting for the response to a method call so cannot make another call
public static var STATUS_ERROR_CONNECTING: Number
Could not connect to the server (e.g.
public static var STATUS_INVALID_API_KEY: Number
The API key sent to flickr was invalid (returned from
public static var STATUS_INVALID_XML: Number
The XML returned by the server wasn’t in a <rsp /> tag.
public static var STATUS_OK: Number
There was no errors and valid XML was returned.
public static var STATUS_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN: Number
The user wasn’t logged in and tried to access a method that requires authentication (returned from
private var supressOutput: Boolean
Used internally to control whether info messages are logged.
public var tag: Number
private function Tag(raw: String)
public function tagsGetListPhoto(photoId: Number)
Calls flickr.tags.getListPhoto to get the tag list for a given photo.
public function tagsGetListUser(userId: String)
Calls flickr.tags.getListUser to get the tag list for a given user (or the currently logged in user).
public function tagsGetListUserPopular(userId: String,
count: Number)
Calls flickr.tags.getListUserPopular to get the popular tags for a given user (or the currently logged in user).
public function tagsGetRelated(tag: String)
Calls flickr.tags.getRelated to get a list of tags ‘related’ to the given tag, based on clustered usage analysis.
public var tagspace: String
public var tagspaceid: Number
public function testEcho()
Calls flickr.test.echo - forwards any arguments on to the Flickr API
public function testLogin()
Calls flickr.test.login - A testing method which checks if the caller is logged in then returns their username.
public var text: String
The contents of this note
private var _thumbnailUrl: String
public var title: String
This photo’s title.
var title: String
The title of this Photoset
public function toString():String
public function toString():String
function toString():String
The name of the class of this object.
var total: Number
The total number of photos for this search
var url: String
The URL to this Photoset on
public var url: String
This photo size’s url.
public var username: String
This person’s username.
public var value: String
The text of this tag
static public var WARN: Number
An integer representing a log level of WARN
public var width: Number
The width of this note
public var width: Number
This Photo’s width.
public var x: Number
The x coordinate of this note
public var y: Number
The y coordinate of this note