com. kelvinluck. flickr.Note

Class to describe a note on a photo on Flickr.

Instances of this class are created to hold notes that are attached to Photos returned from

Currently very bare bones - this class will be expanded


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Kelvin Luck < kelvin at kelvinluck dot com >

Class to describe a note on a photo on Flickr.
This note’s if
The person who wrote this note
The contents of this note
The x coordinate of this note
The y coordinate of this note
The width of this note
The height of this note
A private static Object containing Note objects.
Get’s a Note object for the given id.


public var id: Number

This note’s if


public var author: Person

The person who wrote this note


public var text: String

The contents of this note


public var x: Number

The x coordinate of this note


public var y: Number

The y coordinate of this note


public var width: Number

The width of this note


public var height: Number

The height of this note


private static var _notes: Object

A private static Object containing Note objects.  Used by getNote to insure that only one Note is created for each note id from


private function Note(id: Number)
Constructor functioncreates a new Note object.

Don’t call directly, use getNote to make sure that there is only one Note instance for each id as returned by


public static function getNote(id: Number):Note

Get’s a Note object for the given id.

Consults _notes to make sure that only one Note instance is created for each note id from


idThe id of the Note you want to get
public var id: Number
This note’s if
public var author: Person
The person who wrote this note
public var text: String
The contents of this note
public var x: Number
The x coordinate of this note
public var y: Number
The y coordinate of this note
public var width: Number
The width of this note
public var height: Number
The height of this note
private static var _notes: Object
A private static Object containing Note objects.
private function Note(id: Number)
public static function getNote(id: Number):Note
Get’s a Note object for the given id.