com. kelvinluck. flickr.Tag

Class to describe a tag on a photo on

Instances of this class are created to hold tags that are attached to Photos returned from


This code and documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0.


Kelvin Luck < kelvin at kelvinluck dot com >

Class to describe a tag on a photo on
The raw text of this tag
The text of this tag
An object detailing the relationships between this tag and different photos.
An object containing a list of tags that are related to this one, based on clustered usage analysis.
A private static Object containing Tag objects.
Add’s a reference to a Photo to this Tag.
Get’s this tags _photos Object.
Add’s a reference to a related Tag to this Tag.
Get’s a Tag object for the given id.


public var raw: String

The raw text of this tag


public var value: String

The text of this tag


public var _photos: Object

An object detailing the relationships between this tag and different photos.


public var relatedTags: Object

An object containing a list of tags that are related to this one, based on clustered usage analysis.

See Also



private static var _tags: Object

A private static Object containing Tag objects.  Used by getTag to insure that only one Tag is created for each tag returned from


private function Tag(raw: String)
Constructor functioncreates a new Tag object.

Don’t call directly, use getTag to make sure that there is only one Tag instance for each id as returned by


function addPhoto(id: String,
photo: Photo,
author: Person):Void

Add’s a reference to a Photo to this Tag.


idThe id which describes the link between this Photo and Tag.
photoThe Photo you want to add to this tag.
authorThe Person who attached that Tag to this Photo.

See Also




function getPhotos():Object

Get’s this tags _photos Object.

See Also




function addRelatedTag(tag: Tag)

Add’s a reference to a related Tag to this Tag.

See Also



public static function getTag(raw: String):Tag

Get’s a Tag object for the given id.

Consults _tags to make sure that only one Tag instance is created for each tag id from


rawThe raw of the Tag you want to get
public var raw: String
The raw text of this tag
public var value: String
The text of this tag
public var _photos: Object
An object detailing the relationships between this tag and different photos.
public var relatedTags: Object
An object containing a list of tags that are related to this one, based on clustered usage analysis.
private static var _tags: Object
A private static Object containing Tag objects.
private function Tag(raw: String)
function addPhoto(id: String,
photo: Photo,
author: Person):Void
Add’s a reference to a Photo to this Tag.
Class to describe a photo from Flickr.
function getPhotos():Object
Get’s this tags _photos Object.
function addRelatedTag(tag: Tag)
Add’s a reference to a related Tag to this Tag.
public static function getTag(raw: String):Tag
Get’s a Tag object for the given id.
public function tagsGetRelated(tag: String)
Calls flickr.tags.getRelated to get a list of tags ‘related’ to the given tag, based on clustered usage analysis.
Class to describe a person from Flickr.