Variable Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 _AUTH_ENDPOINT, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 _authFrob, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 _authToken, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 _favorites, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 _notes, com. kelvinluck. flickr.Note
 _people, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 _pool, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Group
 _publicContacts, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 _REST_ENDPOINT, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 _secret, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 _sizes, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 apiKey, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 author, com. kelvinluck. flickr.Note
 authPerms, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 authUser, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 bandwidthMax, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 bandwidthUsed, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 clean, com. kelvinluck. flickr. ExifData
 COL_DEBUG, com. kelvinluck. util. SOSLogPublisher
 COL_ERROR, com. kelvinluck. util. SOSLogPublisher
 COL_FATAL, com. kelvinluck. util. SOSLogPublisher
 COL_INFO, com. kelvinluck. util. SOSLogPublisher
 COL_WARN, com. kelvinluck. util. SOSLogPublisher
 contextCount, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 contextGroupPool, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 contextPhotoNext, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 contextPhotoPrevious, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 contextPhotosets, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 contextThumbUrl, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 contextUrl, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 dateTaken, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 dateUpdated, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 dateUploaded, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 DEBUG, com. kelvinluck. util. LogWrapper
 eighteenPlus, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Group
 email, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 ERROR, com. kelvinluck. util. LogWrapper
 exifData, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 family, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 FATAL, com. kelvinluck. util. LogWrapper
 filesizeMax, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 friend, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 iconServer, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 ignored, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 indent, com. kelvinluck. util. SOSLogPublisher
 INFO, com. kelvinluck. util. LogWrapper
 isAdmin, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 isFamily, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 isFriend, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 isPro, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 isPublic, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 licence, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 location, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 logCallingFile, com. kelvinluck. util. LogWrapper
private var _AUTH_ENDPOINT: String
The base path you go to when you want to authenticate on
private var _authFrob: String
Private variable which is used to store the frob which is used for the first part of the authentication process.
private var _authToken: String
Private variable which stores the token generated by a successfull authorisation.
private var _favorites: Object
An Array containing references to all of this Person’s favourites as Photo objects indexed by the id of each of the favourites.
private static var _groups: Object
A private static Object containing Group objects.
private var _groups: Array
An Array containing references to this user’s Groups
var _groups: Array
An Array containing references to the Groups that this Photo is in.
private static var _notes: Object
A private static Object containing Note objects.
private static var _people: Object
A private static Object containing Person objects.
private var _photos: Array
An Array containing references to all of this Person’s photos.
private static var _photos: Object
A private static Object containing Photo objects.
public var _photos: Object
An object detailing the relationships between this tag and different photos.
private var _photosets: Array
An Array containing references to this user’s Photosets
private var _photosets: Array
An Array containing references to the Photosets that this Photo is in.
private static var _photosets: Object
A private static Object containing Photoset objects.
private var _pool: Array
This Groups photo pool.
private var _publicContacts: Object
An Array containing references to all of this Person’s contacts.
private var _REST_ENDPOINT: String
The place for all API calls to connect to.
private var _secret: String
Private variable to store this app’s shared secret for use with the authentication API.
private var _sizes: Array
The PhotoSizes that are associated with this photo.
private var _tags: Object
An Object containing references to all of this Person’s Tag’s
var _tags: Object
The Tags that are associated with this photo.
private static var _tags: Object
A private static Object containing Tag objects.
private var _apiKey: String
Your Flickr API Key.
public var author: Person
The person who wrote this note
var authPerms: String
A variable describing the permissions the currently auth’d user has within this app.
var authUser: Person
A Person object for the currently auth’d user (if there is one).
public var bandwidthMax: Number
The bandwidth this user has available, in bytes per month.
public var bandwidthUsed: Number
The bandwidth this user has used this month, in bytes.
public var clean: String
A pretty-formatted version of the tag where availabale.
private static var COL_DEBUG: Number
The colour of the background of log messages with a severity of DEBUG
private static var COL_ERROR: Number
The colour of the background of log messages with a severity of ERROR
private static var COL_FATAL: Number
The colour of the background of log messages with a severity of FATAL
private static var COL_INFO: Number
The colour of the background of log messages with a severity of INFO
private static var COL_WARN: Number
The colour of the background of log messages with a severity of WARN
public var contextCount: Number
Not documented on but maybe the number of photos in this context (e.g.
var contextGroupPools: Object
Stores information about this Photos context in given Groups
public var contextPhotoNext: Photo
The next photo in this context (as returned by Flickr.photosGetContext)
public var contextPhotoPrevious: Photo
The previous photo in this context (as returned by Flickr.photosGetContext)
var contextPhotosets: Object
Stores information about this Photos context in given Photosets
public var contextThumbUrl: String
The URL for this photo’s thumbnail image within some sort of context e.g.
public var contextUrl: String
The URL for this photo within the context of the photostream e.g.
private var _dateTaken: Date
The date this photo was taken.
private var _dateUpdated: Date
The date this photo was uploaded
private var _dateUploaded: Date
The date this photo was uploaded
static public var DEBUG: Number
An integer representing a log level of DEBUG
var description: String
The description of this Group.
public var description: String
This photo’s description.
var description: String
The description of this Photoset
public var eighteenPlus: Boolean
Whether this group is visible to members over 18 only.
public var email: String
This person’s email address.
static public var ERROR: Number
An integer representing a log level of ERROR
public var exifData: Array
The EXIF/TIFF/GPS tags associated with this photo.
public var family: Boolean
If this person is family.
static public var FATAL: Number
An integer representing a log level of FATAL
public var filesizeMax: Number
The maximum size per file that this user can upload, in bytes.
public var friend: Boolean
If this person is a friend.
public var height: Number
The height of this note
public var height: Number
This Photo’s height.
public var iconServer: Number
Used to build the url to the users’ buddyicon
public var id: Number
This note’s if
public var id: Number
This photo’s id.
var id: Number
The id of this Photoset
public var ignored: Boolean
If this person is ignored.
var indent: String
Sets the string that is used to indent object blocks.
static public var INFO: Number
An integer representing a log level of INFO
If this person is an admin.
public var isFamily: Boolean
Whether or not this photo is by a family member.
public var isFriend: Boolean
Whether or not this photo is by a friend.
If this person has a Pro account.
public var isPublic: Boolean
Whether or not this photo is public.
public var label: String
public var label: String
This photo size’s label.
public var licence: Number
public var location: String
This person’s location.
static public var logCallingFile: Boolean
When used in conjunction with MTASC’s TRACE functionality this flags whether to output information about the file and class that the error was thrown at.