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 page, com. kelvinluck. flickr. ResultsSet
 peopleFindByEmail, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 peopleFindByUsername, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 peopleGetInfo, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 peopleGetPublicGroups, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 peopleGetPublicPhotos, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 peopleGetUploadStatus, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 PERM_CONTACTS, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 PERM_EVERYBODY, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 PERM_FRIENDS, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 PERM_NOBODY, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 Person, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 photo, com. kelvinluck. flickr. PhotoSize
 Photo, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 photoPageUrl, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photo
 photosAddTags, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 Photoset, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photoset
 photosetsAddPhoto, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosetsCreate, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosetsDelete, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosetsEditMeta, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosetsEditPhotos, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosetsGetContext, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosetsGetInfo, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosetsGetList, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosetsGetPhotos, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosetsOrderPhotosets, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosetsRemovePhoto, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosFirstDate, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 photosFirstDateTaken, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Person
 photosGetAllContexts, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosGetContactsPhotos, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosGetContactsPublicPhotos, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosGetContext, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosGetCounts, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosGetExif, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosGetInfo, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosGetNotInSet, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosGetPerms, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosGetRecent, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosGetSizes, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosGetUntagged, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 PhotoSize, com. kelvinluck. flickr. PhotoSize
 photosRemoveTag, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosSearch, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosSetDates, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosSetMeta, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosSetPerms, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 photosSetTags, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Flickr
 primaryPhoto, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Photoset
 privacy, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Group
 PRIVACY_INVITE_ONLY, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Group
 PRIVACY_PRIVATE, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Group
 PRIVACY_PUBLIC, com. kelvinluck. flickr. Group
 publish, com. kelvinluck. util. SOSLogPublisher
var page: Number
The page of results whose information is held here
function peopleFindByEmail(email: String)
Calls flickr.people.findByEmail to get a user’s NSID, given their email address.
function peopleFindByUsername(username: String)
Calls flickr.people.findByUsername to get a user’s NSID, given their username.
function peopleGetInfo(nsid: String)
Calls flickr.people.getInfo to get information about a user.
function peopleGetPublicGroups(nsid: String)
Calls flickr.people.getPublicGroups to get the list of public groups a user is a member of.
function peopleGetPublicPhotos(nsid: String,
extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls flickr.people.getPublicPhotos to get a list of public photos for the given user.
function peopleGetUploadStatus()
Calls flickr.people.getUploadStatus to get information for the calling user related to photo uploads.
public static var PERM_CONTACTS: Number
A constant representing permissions for contacts.
public static var PERM_EVERYBODY: Number
A constant representing permissions for everybody.
public static var PERM_FRIENDS: Number
A constant representing permissions for friends and family.
public static var PERM_NOBODY: Number
A constant representing permissions for nobody.
function Person(nsid: String)
public var photo: Photo
The photo that this PhotoSize is associated with
private function Photo(id: Number)
private var _photoPageUrl: String
The link to this photo’s page on
private var photos: Array
var photos: Array
An Array containing all the relevant Photo objects returned by this search.
function photosAddTags (photoId: Number,
tags: String)
Calls to add tags to a given photo.
private function Photoset(id: Number)
function photosetsAddPhoto(photosetId: Number,
photoId: Number)
Add a photo to the end of an existing photoset.
function photosetsCreate(title: String,
description: String,
primaryPhotoId: Number)
Create a new photoset for the calling user.
function photosetsDelete(photosetId: Number)
Delete a photoset.
function photosetsEditMeta(photosetId: Number,
title: String,
description: String)
Modify the meta-data for a photoset.
function photosetsEditPhotos(photosetId: Number,
primaryPhotoId: Number,
photoIds: Array)
Modify the photos in a photoset.
function photosetsGetContext(photoId: Number,
photosetId: Number)
Returns next and previous photos for a photo in a set.
function photosetsGetInfo(photosetId: Number)
Gets information about a photoset.
function photosetsGetList(userId: String)
Gets the photosets belonging to the specified user.
function photosetsGetPhotos(photosetId: Number,
extras: String)
Get the list of photos in a set.
function photosetsOrderPhotosets(photosetIds: Array)
Set the order of photosets for the calling user.
function photosetsRemovePhoto(photosetId: Number,
photoId: Number)
Remove a photo from a photoset.
public var photosFirstDate: Date
The date this persons first photograph was uploaded.
public var photosFirstDateTaken: Date
The date this persons first photograph was taken.
function photosGetAllContexts(photoId: Number)
Returns all visble sets and pools the photo belongs to.
function photosGetContactsPhotos (count: Number,
justFriends: Number,
singlePhoto: Number,
includeSelf: Number,
extras: String)
Calls to fetch a list of recent photos from the calling users’ contacts.
function photosGetContactsPublicPhotos (nsid: String,
count: Number,
justFriends: Number,
singlePhoto: Number,
includeSelf: Number,
extras: String)
Calls to fetch a list of recent public photos from a users’ contacts.
function photosGetContext (photoId: Number)
Calls to return next and previous photos for a photo in a photostream.
function photosGetCounts (dates: String,
takenDates: String)
Calls to get a list of photo counts for the given date ranges for the calling user.
function photosGetExif (photoId: Number,
secret: String)
Calls to return a list of EXIF/TIFF/GPS tags for a given photo.
function photosGetInfo (photoId: Number,
secret: String)
Calls to get information about a photo..
function photosGetNotInSet (extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls to get a list of your photos that are not part of any sets.
function photosGetPerms (photoId: Number)
Calls to get permissions for a photo.
function photosGetRecent (extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls to get a list of the latest public photos uploaded to flickr.
function photosGetSizes (photoId: Number)
Calls to get the available sizes for a photo.
function photosGetUntagged (extras: String,
perPage: Number,
page: Number)
Calls to get a list of your photos with no tags.
function PhotoSize(photo: Photo,
label: String)
function photosRemoveTag (tagId: Number)
Calls to remove a tag from a photo.
function photosSearch (params)
Calls to get a list of photos matching some criteria.
function photosSetDates (photoId: Number,
datePosted: Date,
dateTaken: Date,
dateTakenGran: Number)
Calls to set one or both of the dates for a photo..
function photosSetMeta (photoId: Number,
title: String,
description: String)
Calls to set the meta information for a photo.
function photosSetPerms (photoId: Number,
isPublic: Number,
isFriend: Number,
isFamily: Number,
permComment: Number,
permAddMeta: Number)
Calls to set permissions for a photo..
function photosSetTags (photoId: Number,
tags: String)
Calls to set the tags for a photo.
var primaryPhoto: Photo
The primary Photo for this Photoset
var privacy: Number
The privacy setting of this group.
static var PRIVACY_INVITE_ONLY: Number
Constant for privacy value for invite only groups.
static var PRIVACY_PRIVATE: Number
Constant for privacy value for private groups.
static var PRIVACY_PUBLIC: Number
Constant for privacy value for public groups.
function publish(e: LogEvent):Void
Sends a log event through the socket to the SOS Server